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Moodle 3.3.1

Release date: 10 July 2017

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 3.3.1.


  • MDL-58136 - Show only "in progress" courses in the My courses list in Boost flat navigation
  • MDL-56046 - Fixed bug when downloading Quiz statistics report and other multiple-sheet reports
  • MDL-58646, MDL-59122 - Number of performance improvements in Boost cache rebuilding
  • MDL-58310, MDL-59312, MDL-58103 - Correctly display AJAX errors and ignore interrupted requests caused by page unload (occasional "undefined" popup)
  • MDL-44961 - When restoring course with rolling start date never change log dates

Security issues

  • MSA-17-0006 User fullname disclosure on user preferences page
  • MSA-17-0014 Course overview block reveals activities in hidden courses
  • MSA-17-0015 Course creators are able to change system default settings for courses
  • MSA-17-0016 Authentication bypass vulnerability with old CAS servers

Fixes and improvements

  • MDL-46322 - Assignment: Only enrolled users may be assigned as markers, if admins/managers can view course but are not enrolled they will not be assigned
  • MDL-58907 - Course overview: Remember last view mode (Timeline/Courses), add a setting for a default mode
  • MDL-58729 - Performance impovement in MySQL collation change script (follow up for Full UTF-8 Support in MySQL)
  • MDL-57957 - Assignment: Fixed bug with feedback files not being shown to students if assignment has no grading
  • MDL-57021 - Use normal password form field during sign up, adding new user and enrolling in a course
  • MDL-49988 - Wiki: line breaks in HTML source code should not affect page layout
  • MDL-58811 - Quiz: fixed bug preventing quiz duplication if questions have file links in their texts

For developers

  • MDL-58911 - Change of behavior when writing unittests for the dashboard events - now callback from module are executed in unittests same way they would be executed on the dashboard
